Saturday, January 18, 2014

Praying in a New Year

Fr. Varghese and Holy Family faithful prayed in the New Year with Eucharistic Adoration and a Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God. This was their first New Year's celebrated using the outdoor stage built by the priest and parishioners of all ages.
Fr. Varghese prepares the monstrance for
Eucharistic Adoration, New Year's Eve.

Around 600 villagers attended the Mass, held
under a tent outside, since their church is too small
to fit them all.
The stage the people hand-built for their June 2, 2013
Confirmations, adds dignity to this outdoor space.

This striking mural of Jesus first hung
for Confirmations this past June.
Choir members add beauty to the solemn occasion.

The infant Jesus on the altar keeps the focus on Christ.

Parishioners wrapped in blankets and shawls
against the chill night air.
Offering the Bread of Life...

....and a different type of bread. Friends
from the West helped host a
"New Year's Tea" after the Mass.
Father is shown here blessing little
cakes to distribute.

Classic Indian dancers enliven a cultural program after the Mass.

Happy New Year's, Baby Jesus.